2024-03-24 17:00:25
11 months after

Events: Just British Bari


Just British Bari Just British Bari + Aurispa DelCar Lecce Aurispa DelCar Lecce Game points average (Last 10) 184
Just British Bari Just British Bari First set loser 6 of 7
Aurispa DelCar Lecce Aurispa DelCar Lecce First set winner 7 of 7
Aurispa DelCar Lecce Aurispa DelCar Lecce Game points average (Last 10) 169
Just British Bari Just British Bari Game points average (Last 10) 161
Just British Bari Just British Bari Losses 7

Events: Aurispa DelCar Lecce


Турнирная таблица сезона 2023 — 2024

# Команда M Matches W Wins L Losses G Goals P Points P Pct goal
1 Gabbiano Mantova 24 21 3 66:25 61 514.29
2 Belluno Volley 24 17 7 54:33 47 120.00
3 Personal Time San Donà di Piave 24 17 7 55:36 47 206.67
4 Monge Gerbaudo Savigliano 24 14 10 55:38 44 176.47
5 HRK Motta di Livenza HRK Motta di Livenza 24 15 9 52:38 43 88.46
6 CUS Cagliari 24 12 12 45:41 36 168.75
7 Negrini CTE Acqui Terme 24 12 12 46:46 36 158.82
8 Gamma Chimica Brugherio 24 12 12 46:50 34 73.08
9 Sarlux Sarroch 24 9 15 42:54 30 70.97
10 Geetit Bologna 24 8 16 44:57 28 12 66.67
11 Stadium Mirandola 24 8 16 29:53 24 48.15
12 Moyashi Garlasco 24 8 16 34:59 23 43.75
13 Wimore Salsomaggiore Terme 24 3 21 28:66 15 35.29

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